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Tuberculosis (TB)

Fri 7th Feb, 2025 Infectious Disease

What is Tuberculosis (TB)?
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by the bacteria, Mycobacterim tuberculosis, and is spread from person to person through the air. TB usually affects the lungs, but it can spread to other parts of the body, such as the brain, the kidneys, or the spine. TB can be deadly if not treated.

What are the symptoms for TB?
The general symptoms of TB disease include feelings of weakness, weight loss, fever, and night sweats. The symptoms of TB lung disease also include coughing, chest pain, and coughing up blood. Symptoms of TB outside the lungs can include persistently swollen glands, abdominal pain, confusion, and seizures.

How does TB spread?
TB is spread through the air when a person with active TB coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings. Depending on the environment, these germs can stay in the air for several hours. People who then breathe in the air containing these TB germs can become infected.

What is the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease?
People with latent TB infection have TB germs in their bodies; however, their immune system is killing the infection. These people do not have symptoms of TB disease, and they cannot spread the germs to others. However, they can develop active TB in the future; especially if they are to come into contact with an individual who has active TB disease. People with latent TB are often prescribed treatment in order to prevent them from developing TB disease.

People with TB disease are sick from TB germs that are active, meaning that they are multiplying and destroying tissue in their body. They usually have symptoms of TB disease. People with TB disease of the lungs or throat are capable of spreading germs to others. It is important for people with active TB to be diagnosed and treated to prevent the spread of TB.

What should I do if I have spent time with someone with latent TB infection?
People with latent TB infection cannot spread germs to other people. You do not need to be tested if you have spent time with someone with latent TB infection. The only time you should get tested is if you have spent time with someone with active TB disease or someone who is suspected of having active TB.

What should I do if I have been exposed to someone with TB disease?
If you have been around someone who has TB disease, you seek medical attention as soon as possible. It is recommended that you contact your doctor or your local health department to get tested. People with TB disease are most likely to spread the germs to people they are closest with on a daily basis, such as family members or coworkers.

How do you get tested for TB?
There are two tests that can be used to help detect a TB infection: a skin test or TB blood test. The skin test is performed by injecting a small amount of fluid called tuberculin into the skin in the lower part of the arm. A person given the skin test must return within 48 to 72 hours to be evaluated for a reaction on the arm. The TB blood tests are used to measure how the patient’s immune system reacts to the germs that cause TB.

What does a positive test for TB infection mean?
A positive test for TB infection will only tell you that a person has been infected with TB germs. It will not tell you whether that person has progressed to have active TB disease. Additional testing, such as chest x-rays and sputum samples are needed to determine if they have a latent TB infection or active TB disease.

Is there a vaccine to protect against TB?
BCG is currently the only vaccine approved to prevent TB disease. BCG is used in many countries, but it is not generally recommended in the United States; due to its inability to prevent TB Disease and likelihood of reporting false positives on skin tests. Because of this it is preferred that people who have been vaccinated with BCG to take a blood test when testing for TB.

Why is latent TB infection treated?
It is recommended that some people who have a latent TB infection take medication to kill TB germs and prevent them from developing TB disease in the future. Some people are more prone to developing active TB than others. This includes people with HIV, and people who are immunocompromised. It is also recommended that people who were recently exposed to someone with active TB to start treatment to prevent developing the disease.

How is TB Disease Treated?
TB treatment involves taking several drugs for several months, usually for 6 to 12 months. It is very important that people who have TB disease finish the medicine, and take the drugs exactly as prescribed. If they stop taking the drugs too soon, they can become sick again. Additionally if they do not take the drugs correctly, the germs that are still alive may become resistant to those drugs. TB that is resistant to drugs is harder and more expensive to treat. In some situations, staff of the local health department meet regularly with patients who have TB to watch them take their medications. This is called directly observed therapy (DOT). DOT ensures that the patient takes the complete treatment and possibly shortening the amount of time.

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